The day I started working on my “homework” for our monthly newsletter I was so cold - only 12 degrees that day - that all I could think of was a warm comforting soup, which is why you'll find the Soupe à l’oignon (onion soup) recipe below.
Bastille Day: while our first rendition of the Marseillaise was a bit of a fiasco, our second attempt was honourable and the lunch was definitely successful, delicious, musical and enjoyable. Unfortunately, only 25 of us turned up, so we'll have to think about celebrating the July 14 in a different way... I'd be interested to hear what you think, what you'd like to do and how you'd like to celebrate Bastille Day next year. Please don't hesitate to contact me with your ideas, wishes and recommendations.
As you will discover in the events section, we have done our best to keep you entertained with some exciting new activities that I hope will appeal to you. This month, we invite you to a tasting of crêpes bretonnes (Breton crepes) and cidre brut (brut cider) from Normandy. Crêpes and galettes, a whole world from my childhood that I would like to share with you. Imagine my great-great-aunt, auntie Fine (Fideline), as wrinkled as an old apple, but so beautiful in her lace headdress. Imagine her kneeling in front of the fireplace kneading the dough and then imagine the smell of galettes cooked over a wood fire... Yum yum! My cousins, my sister and I would feast on them in advance. I hope our crêpes live up to my memories and that you have a delightful and delicious lunch.
A très bientôt,