Saturday, March 31, 2018

From the President

Chers Amis
It’s good to be back in the land of Oz after our trip across the ditch to Noo Zillund but we had a wonderful 2 weeks there with many treasured memories. For an Australian who had never been there before the drama of the landscape of the South Island is difficult to describe. The way that high snow-capped mountain peaks shoot up almost vertically out flat plains or huge lakes (in much the same way as they do in the French Pyrenees) is amazing. Anyone who appreciates this type of scenery must go to the fjordlands in and around Doubtful Sound.
As a confirmed Francophile I couldn’t resist visiting Akaroa, a small town to the east of Christchurch which was originally settled by French immigrants. Evidence of the French heritage is still visible in the layout of the town which nestles on the shores of a large bay, and various buildings which have a distinctly French aspect. Not much French is spoken but it was charming to see a petrol station advertising de l’essence et de l’huile and the local police station with the sign ‘Gendarmerie’ proudly emblazoned over the front door.
I hope to see you all at our French dinner on 18th March at Waves Restaurant, Merimbula, full details are provided below. We apologise for the short notice but detailed negotiations/discussions have been necessary and many thanks are due to Mike Warren for all his efforts.
Cordialement, Robert