Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pétanque and Annual Coupe d'Antibes

It is time to start preparing for our Alliance's Annual  Pétanque Contest which will be held together with our end of year function on Sunday 25th November.  We have decided to host a BBQ picnic at Mandeni following the pétanque.  You are welcome to bring guests, especially if they are interested in joining our AF.  Cost of the BBQ and salad for members is $10 and $15 for guests.  Bring your own drinks and perhaps cake to share. We are hoping to see you there for an enjoyable celebration of our year.
Bookings to Kerry Hunting 64959463 - email
Payments by cheque to PO Box 3 Merimbula or EFT - please contact Kerry for EFT details.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Thanks to everyone who came along to the A.G.M. to discuss the future of our Alliance and to elect members of our 2013 committee. It was a good crowd, with around 50% of our members able to attend.
There is a full report in this month's La Mouette, but in the meantime, here are some photos.

2013 committee: Kerry Hunting (Treasurer), Narelle Sheridan, Gai Jacobs, Hugo White (Hugo is our Public Officer, and not a committee member), Fiona Stafford, Neil Porter (Vice President), Carmen Coutts-Smith (President), Margaret Gaunson (Secretary). Missing from the photo are: Dorothea Polonyi and Rex Speller.