Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May 8th Conversation Lunch

Covingtons Thai restaurant in Pambula at 12.

Bookings are essential, as it is Mothers' Day, and the restaurant is likely to be crowded. We will be booking a table early next week.

You don't need to be fluent, just willing to use the French language skills that you have.

Click the menu below for larger picture:

Please email afsaphir address or phone Neil (under "Porter, NE" in the phone book) if you wish to attend.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Conversation Lunch - Lakeview Hotel, Merimbula

Sunday, 10th of April - 12:00. Conversation lunch - buy your own lunch and drink/s.

You don't need to be fluent, just willing to use the French language skills that you have.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mogareeka Walk

Please pardon my Franglais!

We had quinze marcheurs, quatre nageurs, un casse-cou, un serpent noir (allegedly), et deux nouveaux membres who came to the BBQ lunch afterwards (bienvenue à la Côte de Saphir Kerry and Greg!). We also had one of the most beautiful autumn days for a long while.

A number of members commented on what a great way it was to get to know people they hadn't previously met. A most enjoyable day really.

The following photos are from the first group sent in - merci Graeme!

From Carmen: