Monday, March 23, 2020

From the President

Chers Amis
The big news for our Alliance this month is the co-opting to the committee of two new members, Sylvie Dubrelle and Wal Wolzak which brings the strength of our committee to nine persons being the maximum allowed under our Constitution. I would like to offer my congratulations to both and thank them for joining us. It will make the Committee’s work much easier to have extra hands to help with running our Alliance. However, the main reason Sylvie and Wal offered to join us arises from their generosity in offering to work on so many of the items on the New Program of Activities identified at last month’s Welcome Party. A full list of these appears later in this newsletter together with the names and contact details of the relevant activity co-ordinator. If you would like to participate in any of these you should e-mail the relevant co-ordinator (cc to Secretary Mike Warren) to register your interest. It may be that some don’t attract a sufficient number of members to warrant implementation and these will not be proceeded with; so you should notify us by e-mail as soon as possible if you would really like to participate. There is no limit to the number of activities you can subscribe to. The introduction of new activities to our annual program doesn’t mean that we will lose any of the items which have been so well patronised in the past and this applies especially to our French Film Nights. So make a note in your diaries for the evening of 31 March when we will offer our first French film for 2020.
Meilleurs voeux
Rob McCombie

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