Sunday, October 2, 2016

From the President

Chers Amis,

It’s now just over a month since our AGM but this will be my first opportunity to thank our retiring President, Gai Jacobs, who led our club with dignity and quiet efficiency over the last 2 years. I would also like to thank Margaret Gaunson our retiring Secretary and Master Fixer who always had all of the answers, and Denise Brown, Julie Welsh, Annette Gleeson, all of whom worked tirelessly on the Committee. Margaret has been replaced by Mike Warren who took up duties as Secretary earlier this year, making a significant additional commitment to work he is doing elsewhere in the local community. Kerry Hunting has generously agreed to retain her position as Treasurer and Clive Roberts continues to serve on the Committee in the role of journalist and editor-in-chief of La Mouette as well as co-ordinating the monthly petanque competition at Mandeni. I also welcome a new member to the Committee, and a new member of the Alliance, Michael Quinlan. There is still another vacancy on the Committee and if there are any other members who are able to contribute their time and expertise on the Committee please contact me or Mike Warren.

Our activities this year will build on the success of things we have done well in the past like the Alliance Francaise social occasions to celebrate Bastille Day, our French food nights, our Christmas party and French wine tastings, the monthly Petanque competitions and our French Film nights. We will continue to offer beginners’ French language conversations for members wanting to learn French for the first time and, hopefully, restart French language discussion groups for those who are more advanced. Our French language activities are supported by our French language library which is currently being considered by the Committee for re-location to the Shire library at Tura Beach shopping centre. This would be a much more convenient location for most of our members as well as providing a more secure location for our material.

Essentially, our activities will be intended to provide the opportunity for companionship for people with a shared interest in the French language and wishing to celebrate all things French. If you have any ideas for other activities we could offer our membership please let me know. On behalf of the Committee I wish you all the best for the coming year.

Rob McCombie