Saturday, February 27, 2016

Our Welcome Party for 2016 proved to be another successful gathering on a fine Saturday evening in February, at the beautiful home of Mike and Lilias Warren. A small group of members had spent the afternoon decorating and preparing the house to accommodate thirty four seated guests, à table, creating an ambiance reminiscent of a French Bistro (even the butter for the baguettes was from Normandy!)
Comme d’habitude, each guest was welcomed with a Kir Royale on arrival and it wasn’t long before the place was abuzz with lively conversation. Once again, the food prepared by the guests was delicious and plentiful, and I even heard a few of the men complaining, as they were leaving, about having eaten too much! Mon Dieu! I must agree though, that it was very hard not to be tempted to second and third helpings!
In previous years, it has been the tradition at this function to present the Plaque for the Coupe d’Antibes to the winners of the competition held at the Christmas party. The winners on this occasion were “Les Champions”, (Bénédicte Morrow, Davina Hewes and Mike Warren). Since they had already been presented with the Coupe on the day, Mike and Davina, in Bénédicte’s absence, chose to forgo the official presentation and accepted the Plaque quietly at their table.
Fortunately, Bill Schwenson was on hand to make a wonderful acceptance speech, on behalf of the winners, in perfect pidgin French; we are so fortunate to have someone as accomplished as Bill to step up to the mark at such short notice! As the last place on the current plaque was filled with the inscription of the winners’ names, the committee has decided not to purchase another. Although it has been fun, there is the problem of storage and cost, and it seems that most members are happy to receive the prizes, and be presented with the Coupe on the day.

On behalf of everyone who attended, I want to thank Mike and Lilias for offering their home for this function, and for the great effort they, and their friends, put into making it so “à la française”, and accommodating. Your hospitality is sincerely appreciated, thank you.

On another note, I want to wish Brigitte and Simon, “Bon Voyage”, as they leave us in March to travel overseas for six months; I for one am extremely envious! They are having a couple of French guests stay in their house while they are away, and I am hoping that we will be able to welcome them to some of our functions. I am sure that they would also enjoy the company and conversation of our more fluent French speaking members. Watch this space!

A bientôt

Gai Jacobs

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