Chers Amis
As many of you will be
aware this year is the 30th year of operation of the Alliance Française de la
Côte de Saphir. That such a small group as ours is not just still in operation,
but is vibrant and blooming, is a credit to the foresight and hard work of our
founding members and their successors over the last 30 years. Of that hardy
group of founding members only Jan Porter is still with us.
For a variety of
reasons the activities of our Alliance today are a little different from what
they were back in 1988. We don’t have an accredited Alliance Française language
class any more (due mainly to the cost of compliance with the stringent
conditions placed on our teachers by the Alliance Française in Paris) and we no
longer hold black tie balls. Our activities have developed and evolved over the
years in response both to the wishes of the membership and initiatives of
committee members and will continue to do so. The continuing theme is our
shared love of French language and culture.
I would like,
therefore, to remember those who formed the inaugural committee and to whom we
owe a great debt of gratitude: Soucila Tompsett – President; Dianne Adlide –
Vice President; George Bullock – Secretary; Anne Dobson – Treasurer and
committee members Rick Allen, Bruce Peacock, Jan Porter, Dianne Bullock and
Peter Dunne.
Cordialement, Robert